Consulting Services and Programs

Customized training and consulting services for Organizations.

NTL Institute

The members of NTL Institute are highly accomplished practitioners and academics in the Applied Behavioral Sciences. We are represented across the world. If your team or organization needs a partner for advanced learning or adept application related to these areas, contact us! We'd love to have a conversation.

  • Group Process Consulting
  • Complex Change: Transformation with Multiple Stakeholders on Multiple Levels
  • Inclusion, Diversity and Equity within a System
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Self-Awareness: Personally and Within a Group
  • Strategic Planning and its Facilitation
  • Effective Team Dynamics
  • Expert Group Facilitation
  • Diagnosing Organizational Issues
  • Incisive Interventions
  • Strategic and Operational Alignment
  • Coaching Services:
    • Coaching for individual development and performance improvement.
    • Executive and leadership coaching that supports organization development and change initiatives.
    • Team coaching to enhance communication, collaboration, and performance and achieve team goals.
    • Mentor coaching to guide coaches on their path to mastery.
  • Foundations of Organizational Development:
    • Explore and use behavioral and systems concepts and technologies for group and organizational success.
    • Understand and practice each phase of the action research/OD process.
    • Understand concepts and skills needed to apply one's "use of self" to change in organizations.
    • Increase awareness of, and competence in, optimizing opportunities provided by diversity.
    • Increase awareness of, and competence in, working with diversity, equity, and inclusion issues at all levels of an organization.
    • Explore the personal and professional requirements for an OD practitioner.

NTL Institute has been an effective partner in this work-- and more-- with corporate, governmental and not-for-profit organizations. It has been in the realm of "commercial-off-the-shelf" training to highly customized projects requiring extensive design and delivery. NTL has also taken hybrid approaches in between. The scope of our work has ranged from modest to very large as befitting our partners' needs.

Contact us for a first conversation about how NTL's expertise may fit your needs!

To learn more, contact our main office.