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NTL OD Certificate Program - US

Module 1 starts June, 2025

Organization Development (OD) programs at NTL today are delivered as courses or modules-we call them "learning communities"-which are highly experiential in nature and yield highly applicable learning for our participants.

In our catalog of offerings you can find Virtual On-Line learning as well as traditional in-person learning.

NTL's programs are based on over 70 years of experience working with groups in its learning programs and organizations in the US and other parts of the world.


Each module has a tuition of $3,000.

You may register for all six modules for $16,500.
To register for the full offering, follow the link below. Three will be offered in 2025, with the remainder being offered in 2026.

Please note: The offerings are being developed and dates/times are subject to change.

Module 1 - Human Interaction Lab® (June 2025)

This signature program of NTL Institute develops the key areas of personal and leadership effectiveness: self-awareness, interpersonal skills and ability to observe and be facilitative in a group. In real-time situations, you will learn how your own behavior impacts others. You will learn to give and receive feedback in a way that creates connections and learning for others and yourself. Through this process you will learn to make the changes you need to make to achieve the results you desire.

Module 2 - Organization Development Theory and Practice (August 2025)

This module focuses on current theory and practice in OD and particularly on three core areas:

  1. The theoretical roots of OD.
  2. Action research through the simple but complex application of the OD Consultancy Cycle.
  3. Use of self as instrument and personal presence. These are essentials of the field of OD.

 Module 3 - Group Dynamics, Theories and Process Consultation (October 2025)

This module helps participants develop skills in intervening in on-going group processes. It covers various theoretical and conceptual group models and group process consultation. Additional areas of focus include understanding the life cycle of groups and group dynamics. Emphasis continues on use-of-self and personal presence.

 Module 4 - Diagnosing Organizations with Impact: The Art of Organizational Meaning Making (April 2026)

A critical task for organization development is to accurately diagnose the cross currents of information that exists within every organization. You will explore organizations as open systems, use organizational diagnostic models, and learn to balance the roles of diagnostician and being a practitioner of organization development.

Module 5 - Intervention Strategies (August 2026)

This module increases participants’ capability in planning and applying a variety of intervention approaches at the individual, group, inter-group, and organizational levels.

Module 6- Facilitating and Managing Complex Adaptive Change (October 2026)

This module addresses the dynamics of complex adaptive change, managing the polarity between planned versus emergent change, and balancing internal alignment with an unpredictable external environment. Understanding and assessing the external environment and stakeholder groups is an additional focus.

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