Who we are is what we do...

Human Interaction Laboratory

For 70-years, the T-Group (Training Group) has been a powerful part of our signature HI Lab. Its impact on the lives of participants is as profound as ever.

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Diagnosing Organizations With Impact

Diagnosing Organizations With Impact

A critical task for organization development is to accurately diagnose the cross currents of information that exists within every organization.

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The Power of Feedback

The Power of Feedback

Recent research confirms that organizations with a feedback-rich culture drive global breakthrough success, inspire individual accomplishment, and ensure personal, and group ownership of tasks and goals.

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Foundations of Organizational Development

Foundations of Organizational Development

Organizational leaders, external consultants, and HR professionals are called on to help design change efforts, shift mindsets, and enhance delivery of results.

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NTL Events

NTL events, whether in-person or online, transform your ability to interact with those around you. Enjoy being more fully human and authentically present with each other.

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