Exploring Whiteness
Beyond White Privilege and White Fragility
View the Faculty Bio's here
The cost is $625*
* Includes a copy of the required text Journeys of Race, Color, & Culture by Rick Huntley, Rianna Moore, and Carol Pierce
A NEW NTL learning Lab
Why explore whiteness?
White supremacy works by keeping whiteness unexamined. When whiteness is seen as the 'default' or 'just normal', white privilege and power go unchecked and people excluded from whiteness are systematically disadvantaged and dehumanized. Interrogating whiteness disrupts that process.
What will the lab involve?
This 3-day online learning lab is for people of all racialized identities, who are committed to racial justice. We will learn about the roots of whiteness, how it shows up today and how to resist the dynamics of white supremacy, including those we have internalized. Some contact time will be learning together in a racially mixed group, and some time will be spent in racial affinity groups.
If you are Black, Indigenous or a Person of Colour navigating whiteness in your job and your life, this lab will provide a space to bring compassionate awareness to the choices you make in accommodation to whiteness, and the impact of those on you. And to ask, are different choices available to you?
If you are white, this lab will help you confront what that means, historically and today, and bring greater awareness, acceptance and intentionality to how you inhabit your whiteness. We will explore how white people (intentionally or otherwise) do harm to people of colour, and how to desist, including by challenging one another.
Who is the lab is for?
The Lab is staffed by NTL members from US and UK and will draw upon scholarship and materials from American and European sources. Participants are welcome from all around the Black Atlantic, and further afield, wherever white supremacy does damage.
The Lab is for you if:
- You want to bring greater awareness of, and skill navigating, racial dynamics, to your professional and/or your personal life;
- You want to sharpen your practice in service of dismantling systemic racism;
- You want to meet and learn with others who share your passion for racial justice, and build your skills and confidence in a supportive online community;
- You strive to embrace and liberate your full humanity, free of the internalized negative beliefs or false superiority that white supremacy conditions us into.
The practicalities…
This lab will be delivered online, by two expert NTL facilitators:
- Antoine Johnson, (he, him) /African American Cisgender Man.
- Julian Walker, (she, her), a white British woman.
View the Faculty Bio's here.